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Audacious Confidence: Defeat Your Doubts, Ignite Your Confidence, Make the Shift from Impostor to Icon


July 11, 2019

Ep. 60 Give yourself GRACE.

🦋 Daily Dose of Vitamin Dr. D You deserve some GRACE today. It is okay that you didn't do the laundry, cook that gourmet meal, and make it to the gym today. It is okay that you didn't sell a …

Episode page
July 10, 2019

Ep. 59 Are you Afraid of commitment?

Are you Afraid of commitment? Commitment is everything! When will you start loving yourself first? Our desire to truly live our best life first starts with being committed to taking the action steps to live the life we desire: personally, …

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July 9, 2019

Ep.58 Stop Cheating on You

When will you give YOU the love you deserve? I challenge you to fall hopelessly in love with YOU. Have a listen and tell me what you think about my #relationshipgoals

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July 8, 2019

Ep. 57 Relationship Capital

Do you love you as much as you LOVE others? The most significant relationship you can have is the one you have with yourself. The ability to authentically connect with others is rooted in YOUR ability to have Clarity about …

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July 3, 2019

Ep. 57 The Freedom to take Risk

Take the Risk ... FREE your mind from doubt, anxiety, and live your best life today.

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July 1, 2019

Ep.55 Conscious Conversation with Soulaima Gourani

When life gives you challenges Persist, Persevere, and Ignite your Personal Power. A recent study shows that 60% of executive and professional women experience anxiety, stress, and psychological distress in the workplace. This number increases significan...

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June 28, 2019

Ep.54 The Courage to Be Happy

Happiness is a CHOICE! When you choose to be happy you open up the channels for abundance to flow. It takes courage to be happy inspite of situations and circumstances that do not align to your expectations. Today's Fear-less Friday …

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June 27, 2019

Ep. 53 The Courage to Fight

Put your dooks up and have the courage to fight for your dreams... your family ... against negative beliefs. Today's Daily Dose of Vitamin Dr. D is all about "The Fight". What are you willing to fight to live a …

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June 26, 2019

Ep.52 Courage to Trust and Believe

Do you believe in you? Do you TRUST that you were called to do SOMETHING? I am struggling with my FAITH CREDIT SCORE big time! Join me in this Daily Dose of Vitamin Dr. D as I share with you …

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June 25, 2019

Ep.51 Courage to Forget

Forgiveness is powerful but forgetting is Transformative. We have the power to process each situation and circumstance with a sense of awareness that creates an optimal experience for ourselves. If we allow past hurts, fear, and anxiety to cloud our …

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June 24, 2019

Ep.50 Courage to Forgive

Why is it so difficult to forgive ourselves? Until you forgive yourself for past mistakes, missed opportunities, and dysfunctional relationship you purpose walk will be stalled. Join today's Daily Dose of Vitamin Dr. D I share my journey of forgiveness...

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June 23, 2019

Ep. 49 Conscious Conversation w/Mirian Toro

Do women have a different belief system about money from men? “Don’t talk about money” is one of the oldest and most engrained adages which transcends culture and generations. A UBS survey of high net worth married women, widows, and …

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June 21, 2019

Ep. 48 Fear-less Truth

No is a complete sentence! Do you allow FEAR to prevent you from operating in your Truth? Take charge of your Truth and begin to say YES to YOU! Today's Daily Dose of Vitamin Dr. D is all about increasing …

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June 20, 2019

Ep.47 Speaking Truth

Are you speaking LIFE into your dreams? When life gets tough and you want to quit, feel frustrated, and depressed it is the largess of your WHY that keeps you moving. The path to our greater tomorrow is filled with …

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June 19, 2019

Ep.46 Angry Truth

The power to Respond instead of react takes skill. When we are operating in truth we will uncover some things about ourselves that will make us ANGRY ... not at others but at ourselves. During today's Daily Dose of Vitamin …

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June 18, 2019

Ep.45 The Ugly Truth

Lying to yourself will keep you bound in mediocrity. It is time to tell yourself the whole truth and allow the truth to set your mind free. Today's Daily Dose of Vitamin Dr. D

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June 17, 2019

Ep.44 Truth Serum

The Truth shall set you FREE. You may be stalled by your unwillingness to deal with your personal truths. I was ... as I work through my own truths I realize that the truth hurts but it is so freeing. …

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June 16, 2019

Ep.44 Conscious Conversation w/Lady Zhe

Conscious Conversation with Lady Zhe. Lady Zhe is a mom. entrepreneur, and musical genius. Lady Zhe joins me in a powerful conscious conversation about Money, Mindset, and Mental Health. We had a engaging conversation in May rooted in Mental Health …

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June 14, 2019

Bonus Track: Transparency Uncensored

Raw and unscripted testimony... Is your purpose walk laden with Phantom Limbs?

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June 14, 2019

Ep.43 Do not be afraid to let go

Have you heard the phrase you have to let go to grow? Well you do! When you hold on to things that cause emotional, physical, and/or spiritual unrest it impedes your ability to live your very best life TODAY. On …

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June 13, 2019

Ep 42 Do Self-Care

What have you done for YOU lately? Self-care is more than just a buzz word. You actually have to DO it to reap the benefits. Today's Daily Dose of Vitamin Dr. D speaks to the power of actually taking ACTION …

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June 12, 2019

Ep. 41 Put Your Mask On

Stop struggling for Air and put your mask on first so that you can breathe life into your dreams. Until you choose you no one else will. Today's Daily Dose of Dr. Vitamin D is all about Breathing! Available on …

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June 10, 2019

Ep 40 Celebrate Milestones

Why is it important to follow your own path instead of worrying about living up to arbitrary expectations? Savor the stages of life. Think about how far you've come and celebrate each milestone you reach.

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