Do women have a different belief system about money from men? “Don’t talk about money” is one of the oldest and most engrained adages which transcends culture and generations.
A UBS survey of high net worth married women, widows, and divorcees found that...
Do women have a different belief system about money from men? “Don’t talk about money” is one of the oldest and most engrained adages which transcends culture and generations.
A UBS survey of high net worth married women, widows, and divorcees found that while 85% of the women said they managed day-to-day expenses, only 23% said they took the lead on long-term financial planning.
These long-term components are the crucial areas that make sure we're prepared for retirement, protected from disasters and are fully optimizing our money. Those who don't manage (or co-manage) their finances with their spouse aren't getting the valuable experience and knowledge to ensure they can be financially independent. The reason women are less involved ranged from a belief that their partner knew more about the topic, to discouragement from their spouse.
My guest Mirian Toro, Wealth Advisor, joins me in a #consciousconversation about empowerment through financial literacy. Mirian shares her own journey to financial enlightenment due to particular situations and circumstances that served as a catalyst for her to be proactive in developing a solid financial plan for her future.
#financialfitness #womeninbusiness #moneymindset