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Feb. 6, 2023

Living an Audacious Life: Overcoming mindset blocks, negative self-talk, and workplace trauma

Living an Audacious Life: Overcoming mindset blocks, negative self-talk, and workplace trauma

Hey Shift Starters,

My word for the season is AUDACIOUS. This season DON'T wait for permission to act for your highest good. 

An audacious life is one filled with boldness, courage, and a willingness to take risks and pursue your passions, even in the face of adversity. However, many women struggle with negative self-talk, mindset blocks, and workplace trauma that can hold them back from living audaciously. In this blog, we'll explore the common obstacles that prevent women from living an audacious life and provide tips and strategies for overcoming these challenges.

Mindset blocks: One of the biggest obstacles to living an audacious life is the limiting beliefs and mindset blocks that prevent women from pursuing their goals. For example, many women believe they are not good enough, smart enough, or deserving to achieve their dreams. These negative beliefs can hold them back from taking risks and trying new things, even when they deeply desire change. Identifying and challenging your limiting beliefs is important to overcome mindset blocks. Write down the negative self-talk you hear in your head and ask yourself if these beliefs are truly accurate. Then, reframe them into positive affirmations that align with your values and goals.

Negative self-talk: Another common challenge to living an audacious life is negative self-talk. When you constantly have negative thoughts running through your head, it can be difficult to build confidence and take action. To overcome negative self-talk, try to identify the triggers that cause these thoughts and reframe them in a more positive light. Surround yourself with supportive people who believe in you and your abilities, and focus on your strengths and accomplishments rather than your weaknesses.

Workplace trauma: Many women experience trauma and abuse in the workplace, which can profoundly impact their mental and emotional well-being. To overcome workplace trauma, it is important to seek support from a therapist, counselor, or support group. Take time to process your experiences, heal from the trauma, and find ways to empower yourself in the workplace, such as advocating for your rights and building a supportive network of colleagues.

Tips for living an audacious life:

  1. Set clear goals and work towards them every day
  2. Surround yourself with supportive people who believe in your abilities
  3. Practice self-care and prioritize your mental and emotional well-being
  4. Take risks and embrace failure as a learning opportunity
  5. Speak up and advocate for your rights and needs
  6. Celebrate your achievements and focus on your strengths

Living an audacious life takes courage and perseverance, but anything is possible with the right mindset and support. By overcoming your obstacles and pursuing your passions, you can build a life filled with joy, purpose, and fulfillment. So, don't be afraid to dream big and live audaciously!

There is a SHIFT in the atmosphere; do you know what yours is? I am Dr. Deena, and I help leaders ready to unlock new levels in their mindset OWN THEIR SHIFT by getting clear about the WHAT, confident about the WHY, and consistent about the HOW. People pay me for my knowledge, expertise, and creative genius. I will shift you out of your comfort zone and help you navigate the strategic middle.

Need help getting your SHIFT TOGETHER?

Visit www.drdeenabrown.com and book a shift session today.

Black Woman in white shirt

Dr. Deena C. Brown, Founder Leadhershift Movement