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Audacious Confidence: Defeat Your Doubts, Ignite Your Confidence, Make the Shift from Impostor to Icon


Walking Through Glass The Podcast is brought to you by The Leadhershift Movement. The source of authenticity is rooted in mindset mastery and personal development. The Leadhershift movement helps women find the courage and confidence to L.E.A.D (Learn, Experience, Apply, and Develop) unapologetically. As women it is not breaking through the "glass ceiling" that shatters our confidence and erodes our self-esteem; it is the shards of glass (fear, anxiety, negative self-talk, anxiety, depression, and imposter syndrome) orchestrated by the fierce inner critic that cuts deep and threatens our sanity. It is time for a SHIFT a Leadhershift. It is time to SHIFT the way we think about ourselves as women, wives, mothers, sisters, girlfriends and how we develop and lead. There are five core elements to the S.H.I.F.T Factor (Self-Discovery, Humility, Intentionality, Focus, and Tenacity). Join Dr. Deena as she delivers real talk, real solutions, and authentic conversations about what it takes to make the SHIFT to gain Clarity, build Confidence, and remain Consistent on your journey to the BOLDEST VERSION OF YOU.